Increase Revenue with Fewer Projects: How Composite Fencing Can Boost Profits
November 30, 2022Top of the Chain – Annual Recap 2022
November 30, 2022New Ornamental Steel Product Used for Perimeter Security
“Over a plate of oysters in the French Quarter at FENCETECH, the plans were made.”
-Steve Royer, regional manager with Iron World
A new 50,000 square foot pharmaceutical facility was recently built on 40 acres in South Windsor, Connecticut by ARCO Construction. Hartford Fence Company was awarded the fence contract.
Cameron Lange is a project manager for ARCO National Construction. In January, she tapped Hartford Fence Company for the proposal on the perimeter fence. The scope of work called for over five thousand linear feet of an eight-foot-tall ornamental steel product, with five slide gates, two double swing gates, and three pedestrian gates.
The collaboration between the owner of Hartford Fence Company, Jordan Conover, and Iron World took place at last year’s FENCETECH in New Orleans. Steve Royer, regional manager with Iron World explains, “I saw Jordan on the convention center floor and said, ‘Is it true you’re working on 800 panels of eight-foot spear? Man, I have a product for you! That was the beginning of the connection and collaboration.”
The product was Iron World’s brand-new ornamental Maverick Supreme steel panel, an ornamental panel with a hidden fastener system; a departure for Iron World’s storied riveted-picket panel. “This was the first project to use the product,” Royer says. “And over a plate of oysters in the French Quarter, the plans were made.”
“When the government builds a new facility to store pharmaceutical inventory, establishing a secure perimeter is a top priority,” says Royer. “That’s where Iron World’s top-quality fencing comes in. I think what solidified this deal was the high-quality fence and fast availability that our new Maverick Supreme line offered both the contractor and end user. Our relationship with Hartford Fence through the years has built a level of confidence and trusted partnership that let everyone involved know we would deliver more than expected.”
“Fence is about people,” says Conover. “On this project, I was able to work with my favorite suppliers and vendors. I started an amazing relationship with general contractors Cameron Lange and Jack Feehan of ARCO, and I did it with my favorite people in the world, my team. Even on a large commercial project, it boils down to people. There is still purpose and connection.”
Conover started Hartford Fence Company in December 2012, but this year has been paramount. “I changed everything,” he says. “I changed how the facility is run, how the material is ordered, how it’s stored, and how it’s loaded. It’s starts with the most basic improvements to efficiency. Those changes created a wave of difference that started with a commitment to lead with love.”
In one year, Hartford Fence Company more than doubled its revenue and quadrupled its profitability. The company has more reviews than a popular restaurant in the area, and more than double the reviews of the next closest fence competitor.
“The reviews tell a story,” Conover says. “It’s a people story, and it’s about when they got the fence. It’s Hartford Fence Company’s story, about how it serves and connects with families and communities. Throughout all the reviews I see a pattern. They are all personal and unique, but they all describe the experience; not just the fence itself. Communication and responsiveness. Collaboration and execution.”
The construction of the distribution center would replace what has been a tobacco field for over 100 years. It’s a stark change of landscape to the flat span that occupied the area of Windsor for generations.
“When change happens, it’s important to be mindful of how it looks,” explains Conover. “The perimeter fence is the first thing you see. It’s a statement, and an introduction. And in a super visible area, with attention from the community, it must look the part.”
The specialists at the Iron World headquarters in Maryland can discuss projects for any part of the country. Iron World’s sales and design team can accommodate any project for residential, commercial, and industrial of products of steel, iron, and aluminum, including new aluminum hidden fastener system, hardware, custom panels, gates, and color required for any project.
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