Categories Include:

  • Positions Wanted

  • Employment Opportunities

  • Equipment (New or Used)

  • Business Opportunities (Manufacturer's reps, dealers, distributors, installers wanted, consultants, and other services)


  • $1 a word (25 word minimum) or by the column inch rate

  • $50 if camera furnished art

  • If publisher has to set $60.

  • Add $10 if a border is added

10% discount on three-month consecutive insertions, paid in advance. Payment must accompany ads.

Deadline is 5th of the month prior to month of publication.

If you'd like to receive a price quote or schedule an ad, please complete the form below or email Katie at [email protected]

Send editorial submissions to [email protected].

Complete the following form to get a price quote or to schedule a classified ad.

  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
    If you have an image to send to us, you can upload it along with your submission.