Categories Include:
Positions Wanted
Employment Opportunities
Equipment (New or Used)
Business Opportunities (Manufacturer's reps, dealers, distributors, installers wanted, consultants, and other services)
Positions Wanted
Employment Opportunities
Equipment (New or Used)
Business Opportunities (Manufacturer's reps, dealers, distributors, installers wanted, consultants, and other services)
$1 a word (25 word minimum) or by the column inch rate
$50 if camera furnished art
If publisher has to set $60.
Add $10 if a border is added
10% discount on three-month consecutive insertions, paid in advance. Payment must accompany ads.
Deadline is 5th of the month prior to month of publication.
If you'd like to receive a price quote or schedule an ad, please complete the form below or email Katie at [email protected]
Send editorial submissions to [email protected].
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